The World's first AI Powered SmartHome.

And No-code device publisher.For Free.


Writing Hundreds and Hundred Lines of Code to make a single Bluetooth Function Work. Don't Worry. That's Taken Care. Just give instructions to AI.

Splash resistant.

Here's a Responsive Columns element containing 4 cells. On desktop, it's set to wrap at 2 columns. On mobile, it's set to just a single column.

Splash resistant.

Here's a Responsive Columns element containing 4 cells. On desktop, it's set to wrap at 2 columns. On mobile, it's set to just a single column.

Get Your App featured

How to Get Your App Featured In our Library.
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Use the Devath App to test your App's Functionality Before Submitting It to be used with AI. You can even directly publish a Non-AI app through the Devath Console on your Android Phone..
faster publishing

Give Feedback to Us😃

Devath Is still in Beta. We're becoming better every update, giving your experience helps us get better and better.

The best SmartHome For you and your users.

AI Copilot for Developers

We're working on several Copilots for Developers to speed up the proccess even more, down to 30 minutes or less.

See how many dependencies your App has.

View how many times your app has been used and we're working on a new feature to see how many devices use your app.

Automatically send Device Information

Use Autosend to power programs which need Device Information every second.

Fully Custamizable

Customize which type of message your app should send recieve, and help other developers know about your app with Encoders.

Control Users' Device from the web.

Customize which type of message your app should send recieve, and help other developers know about your app with Encoders.
Pricing plans
free unlimited.forever.

Unlock the AI era of SmartHome.


Develop AI Apps ? We also offer an API for our SmartHome

Devath Only works when the App Is Installed.
Devath - The world's only AI SmartHome. | Product Hunt
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